How to Buy and Sell a Business: How You Can Win in the Business Quadrant (Rich Dad's Advisors)

. Friday, February 27, 2009
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Sutton (Own Your Own Corporation) offers a comprehensive guide for both buyers and sellers of businesses. The book, the latest in the popular Rich Dad's Advisors series, covers important topics, including valuation, negotiating strategies, confidentiality, franchises and closing. Sutton presents the information in a straightforward manner, using case histories to illustrate his points. Chapters end with brief "Rich Dad's Tips" summarizing key points. Many books offer scenarios, but fail to explain what readers should take away. Thankfully, Sutton goes to great lengths to clarify his examples, e.g., after describing a sale with stalled negotiations and less-than-helpful attorneys, he says, "The lesson here is that if you are going to let other people negotiate for you, be certain that there are no hidden agendas.... An attorney whose motivation is to generate as much as possible in hourly fees may drag out negotiations to the point that a perfectly workable deal falls apart due to frustration and ill will." This is a solid book, though it doesn't offer much more than many others available on the topic. It will be of most help to inexperienced readers; those expecting dramatic new strategies on acquiring or selling a business won't find them here.

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How to Buy and Sell a Business: How You Can Win in the Business Quadrant (Rich Dad's Advisors)

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