Rich Dad's Retire Young, Retire Rich

. Friday, February 27, 2009
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In this fifth addition to his highly successful "Rich Dad" series, Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad) now focuses on the power of debt leveraging in order to work less and earn more. Beginning with the principle of changing attitudes about financial freedom, he explains the difference between earned income and passive or investment income, managing good debt that makes money for you, such as in real estate, the fundamental concern about 401(k) retirement plans that are too focused on stock market performance, and the need to create a long-term financial freedom plan and the emotional discipline to stick to it.

Listeners will likely be captivated as they learn how to replicate his success, and the crisp narration by Jim Ward definitely makes this fact-filled collection of sound financial advice another hit for Kiyosaki. The solid, practical insight into how to put together a plan to financial freedom will require a commitment to changing lifestyles and personal attitudes about work and, of course, enough time left in life to allow the investments to succeed. Highly recommended for all public libraries, especially those that have not yet begun to add Kiyosaki's other super titles to their business and investment collections.

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Rich Dad's Retire Young, Retire Rich

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